Appearing in surprising places and winning people over with creative measures: this is the strategy of the branch offices of Switzerland Tourism (ST). For destination partner Zurich Tourism, the ST branch in Barcelona found the “All Those” festival to be the perfect place to reach an urban, affluent audience with a penchant for culinary delights and design.

25,000 fans distributed via QR code

A colourful fan with a Dadaist design served as a means of communication, as Zurich is known to be the birthplace of the Dadaist art movement. Anyone who wanted to find out more about this movement as well as Switzerland’s largest city could find a QR code on the back, directing them to a corresponding microsite at

In the spirit of Swisstainable, ST always checks all measures for their sustainability. The advantage of using a fan as opposed to a conventional informational flyer was its longevity: for the design-conscious visitors, the fan was not only a welcome means of cooling down in Barcelona’s early summer temperatures, but also an eye-catcher that they were happy to take home with them. ST commissioned renowned Spanish creative studio Hey with the fan’s design. A total of 25,000 fans were distributed at the three-day festival in May 2023, and the printed QR code was scanned over 4,100 times.

ST invited 170 media representatives to the accompanying media event to offer an in-depth insight into the cultural and culinary scene in the city of Zurich. The giveaway here was a Swiss design classic: the REX peeler, which can be found in almost every Swiss household. Originally designed by Zena, it has been produced by Victorinox, ST’s long-standing strategic partner, since 2020.