Switzerland as a destination stands for maximum relaxation in nature. To make this emotional benefit even more tangible for the relevant target groups, Switzerland Tourism (ST) works specifically with prominent ambassadors, whether for certain markets or specific campaigns. In addition to schlager singer Beatrice Egli and crowd favourite and presenter Michelle Hunziker, ST was also able to count on the support of a few particularly sporty figureheads in 2023. The Indian javelin world champion Neeraj Chopra, the two-time overall World Cup winner in alpine skiing Marco Odermatt, national goalie Yann Sommer, freestyle skier and overall World Cup winner in slopestyle Andri Ragettli: They all got their fans into Switzerland as a holiday and travel destination and showed what maximum relaxation in an outdoor sports paradise looks like. And tennis master Roger Federer used his third ST campaign to demonstrate how Switzerland’s diverse nature can be discovered by train, alongside US-based comedian Trevor Noah.