In 2019, Switzerland Tourism ST employees responsible for media affairs in 22 markets took a proactive approach, suggesting a range of topics for media stories on TV, radio, online and in print. 

Around 100 international journalists took part in nine media trips, each one organised around a particular theme.

International market stories have been successfully placed, for example the report on the Chinese snow sport scene broadcast on SRF’s “10vor10” programme, the story on Korea’s K-Pop superstars Red Velvet carried by the “St. Galler Tagblatt” or the coverage of the Swiss shoot for the Indian soap opera “Kasautii Zindagii Kay” carried by daily newspaper “Blick”. Likewise, the media managers in the markets placed a wide variety of travel formats – including a winter report on St Moritz carried by Brazilian broadcaster Rede Globo, a reality TV show on the regions of Bern and Zurich shown by US broadcaster CBS, a feature broadcast by Dutch TV channel NPO 3 on swimming in the Aare or a Swiss wine report on Japanese TV channel BS TV Tokyo.

In addition, ST supports key influencers in research as part of Key Media Management (KMM) or organises media conferences and trips. ST hosted a total of nine international press trips in 2019. Media work generated 15.29 billion contacts worldwide.

The worldwide coordination takes place via an interactive newsroom. Through the regular training of employees responsible for media affairs, ST ensures the high standards and success of media work.

The four pillars of marketing
The marketing model for Switzerland Tourism ST is based on the four pillars of marketing. Specifically, the four main tools for this communication approach are Digital Marketing, Key Account Management (KAM), Key Media Management (KMM) and Promotion. In combination, these four main tools achieve the best possible impact for generating overnight stays. It is important that the different framework conditions and consumer behaviour in the various markets are taken into account.


Facts and Figures
Key Media Management   2019 2018
Media contacts bn 15.29 16.98
Media articles influenced   17,107 18,136
Participants in ST press trips   2,905 3,002
Media conferences   93 105
Top media results*   3,651 3,125
* Positive media pieces prominently placed, photos and tourism content that appeared in a key medium.