What German visitors want
Attracting price-conscious guests from Germany to visit Switzerland. Jörg Peter Krebs, Market Manager Germany, explains what it entails.
In focus, Market topics, Germany
Hiking to fight stress
A new hiking study shows that people find they can relax while hiking.
In focus, Summer, Campaigns
The digital gateway to Switzerland
The new MySwitzerland.com website focuses even more on user needs. This has proven successful.
In focus, Digital marketing, MySwitzerland.com
Wine tourism
Switzerland is only known as a wine destination among connoisseurs. The aim is to change this.
In focus, Campaigns, Product development
Media focus on meetings
The meetings sector received a great deal of media attention as a result of the incentive trip of Jeunesse Global and the new “Destination Weddings” visitor segment.
In focus, Campaigns, Meetings