As travel regulations constantly changed over of the course of 2020 in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Grand Tour of Switzerland Association (GToS) focused above all on measures in the digital media and social media arenas. Inspiring stories such as a Harley-Davidson tour with singer Bastian Baker and presenter Jontsch and a full customer hub with attractive offers on TripAdvisor are two of such examples.

How long is the Grand Tour of Switzerland?

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1000 km 2000 km

The 1,643km tour spans all parts of the country, taking in many sights, including 12 UNESCO World Heritage sites. It passes through 51 towns and cities and along 22 lakes. The highest point on the Grand Tour is the Furka Pass, at 2,429m above sea level; the lowest is Lake Maggiore at 193m above sea level.

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129,000 fans follow Bastian Baker and Jontsch on social media

The internationally successful Swiss musician Bastian Baker and the popular radio presenter Jonathan (Jontsch) Schächter embarked on the Grand Tour of Switzerland (GToS) between 7th and 9th September 2020. Travelling on motorbikes provided by cooperation partner Harley-Davidson, the pair visited destinations including the Aletsch Arena, spent the night at the Million Stars Hotel on Eggishorn, tried paragliding and of course enjoyed riding over the beautiful passes of the GToS. The duo shared their experiences of the Grand Tour with their combined total of 129,000 followers on social media. This well-documented trip also reached the attention of the motorbiking community through a Harley-Davidson newsletter with 15,000 subscribers in Switzerland.

Switzerland Tourism ST also followed the influencers’ trip through its dedicated Facebook account (boasting 120,000 followers at the end of 2020), generating targeted, exciting content for the platform.

Grand Tour of Switzerland hub on TripAdvisor

Grand Tour of Switzerland customer hub on TripAdvisor

The GToS also benefited from a collaboration with the globally renowned travel portal TripAdvisor. Although the pandemic meant that campaign elements had to be published on a staggered basis between June and October 2020, by the end of October the campaign had attracted 10.9 million impressions and a total of more than 92,000 clicks, with an average click-through rate of 0.83% to the content hubs in French, English and German. In the words of Mallory Smith, Destination Marketing Executive at TripAdvisor: “The average overall click-through rate of 0.83% for the campaign is a stellar result. It is more than eight times the TripAdvisor benchmark.” 

The cross-market TripAdvisor campaign was carried out in the focus markets of Switzerland, North America, the UK, Germany and France. With some 460 million visitors per month and 830 million reviews, the TripAdvisor portal is one of the largest travel platforms in the world.